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Best Practices for Creating Conversational UI/UX

If you're interested in creating a conversational user interface (UI) or user experience (UX), it's important to understand what it entails. A conversational UI/UX design allows users to interact with technology using natural languages like chatbots or voice assistants. This design has become increasingly popular due to its intuitive and easy-to-use nature.

Conversational UI/UX is important because it allows users to engage with technology more naturally and efficiently. It can help to improve the user experience, increase user engagement, and enhance customer satisfaction. By creating a conversational UI/UX, you can provide your users with an experience tailored to their needs and preferences, making it easier for them to interact with your product or service.

This article provides an overview of best practices for creating a conversational UI/UX that is effective and user-friendly. By following these guidelines, you can create a conversational UI/UX that is intuitive, easy to use, and engaging for your users. So, if you're ready to start, keep reading to learn more about the best practices for developing a conversational UI/UX.

Understanding Your User

Before creating a conversational UI/UX, it's important to understand your users. To do this, you should start by identifying your user persona. This involves creating a fictional representation of your ideal user, including demographic information, interests, and behaviors. You can better understand your target audience and create a conversational UI/UX that meets their needs and preferences.

A cartoon of people on a video call

In addition to identifying your user persona, you should also aim to understand the needs and preferences of your users. This involves researching what your users seek in a conversational UI/UX and tailoring your design to meet those needs. For example, if your users seek quick answers to frequently asked questions, you can design your conversational UI/UX to provide quick and easy access.

Analyzing user behavior and interaction patterns is also important when designing a conversational UI/UX. This involves looking at how users interact with your product or service and identifying areas where a conversational UI/UX could be beneficial. For example, suppose users need help finding the information they need on your website. In that case, you can design a conversational UI/UX that can quickly and easily provide them with the information they want.

Here's a practical example of applying the best practices in understanding your user. Let's say you are designing a conversational UI/UX for a travel agency specializing in booking luxury vacations. Your user persona could be someone affluent and interested in booking luxury vacations. They may value personalized service, exclusivity, and unique experiences. They may also be frequent travelers looking for convenience and ease of use.

A screenshot of a bad and good conversational UX for a travel agency

To better understand your user's needs and preferences, you can conduct user research, surveys, and focus groups to gather insights on what motivates your users, their pain points, and what features and functionalities they would find most valuable. Based on your research, your users value personalized recommendations and curated itineraries that match their interests and preferences.

As users interact with your conversational UI/UX, you can use analytics and user feedback to analyze their behavior and interaction patterns. For example, you may find that users frequently abandon their bookings at a certain point in the process, indicating a pain point or area for improvement. By identifying these pain points and areas for improvement, you can make necessary adjustments to your design to enhance the user experience.

Designing for Conversation

When designing a conversational UI/UX, creating a natural language flow that mimics real human conversations is important. This means using natural language processing techniques and creating a dialogue that feels like a back-and-forth conversation between two people. By doing so, you can create a conversational UI/UX that is easy and intuitive for users to interact with.

A cartoon of a man interacting with a robot

In addition to creating a natural language flow, you should also provide clear and concise responses. Users should be able to easily understand what the conversational UI/UX is saying and what actions they need to take. Use simple language and avoid technical jargon or complex sentences that may confuse users.

Personalization and customization options are also important in designing a conversational UI/UX. Users appreciate it when they feel the conversation is tailored to their needs and preferences. Consider offering customization options such as the ability to select the level of detail in responses or the option to choose a preferred communication style.

Offering feedback and confirmation messages is another best practice in conversational UI/UX design. Users should be able to clearly understand if their request has been processed successfully or if any issues need to be addressed. For example, if a user makes a mistake when entering their information, the conversational UI/UX should provide an error message that explains the issue and how to correct it.

A consistent tone and style throughout the conversational UI/UX are also important. This helps to create a cohesive user experience and avoids confusing or jarring transitions. Consider the tone and style of your brand and aim to create a conversational UI/UX consistent with your overall brand voice.

Here's a practical example of applying the best practices in designing for conversation. You are designing a conversational UI/UX for a food delivery app. When a user wants to order food, the chatbot can ask questions such as "What type of cuisine are you in the mood for?" or "Do you have any dietary restrictions?" This creates a more natural conversation flow and helps users feel like they are interacting with real people.

A screenshot of a bad and good conversational UX for a food delivery app

If the user asks for a list of nearby restaurants, the chatbot can provide a list with a brief description of each restaurant's cuisine and ratings.

The chatbot can save the user's favorite restaurants or menu items for future orders. This creates a more personalized experience for the user and makes it easier for them to order food in the future.

The chatbot can say "Thank you for your order! It will be delivered in 30 minutes." This reassures the user that their order was received and is being processed.

The chatbot can use the same greeting and sign-off for each conversation to create a sense of familiarity and consistency.

Testing and Iteration

Once you've designed your conversational UI/UX, it's important to conduct user testing and feedback sessions to identify areas for improvement. This involves testing the conversational UI/UX with real users and gathering their feedback on the design. You can use this feedback to identify areas where users may be struggling or where the design could be improved.

In addition to user testing and feedback sessions, you should also analyze data and metrics to evaluate the performance of the conversational UI/UX. This includes metrics such as user engagement, completion rates, and overall satisfaction with the design. By analyzing this data, you can identify areas for improvement and refine the conversational UI/UX to better meet the needs of your users.

Iterating and refining the conversational UI/UX is an important design process. This involves making adjustments based on user feedback and data analysis to improve the overall user experience. For example, if users struggle to find information in the conversational UI/UX, you may want to adjust the navigation, or the way information is presented. You can create a conversational UI/UX that provides an optimal user experience by continually iterating and refining the design.

It's important to note that testing and iteration should be an ongoing process. As user needs and preferences change, your conversational UI/UX should evolve to meet those changing needs. By continually testing and iterating your design, you can create a conversational UI/UX that remains relevant and effective over the long term.

Integration with Other Technologies

Integrating conversational UI/UX with other technologies is an important consideration when designing a conversational UI/UX. This may include integrating with other platforms or technologies, such as social media, mobile apps, or voice assistants. When integrating with other technologies, it's important to consider the impact on the user experience.

An illustration of devices going through integration

For example, if you're integrating your conversational UI/UX with a mobile app, consider how the design will work within the constraints of a smaller screen. Similarly, consider how the design will work with voice commands and responses if you integrate your conversational UI/UX with a voice assistant.

Maintaining a consistent experience across platforms is also important when integrating with other technologies. Users should be able to seamlessly transition between different platforms without feeling like they're interacting with a completely different product. This can be achieved by maintaining consistent branding, design, and messaging across platforms.

In addition to maintaining a consistent experience, it's important to consider the user experience when integrating with other technologies. For example, if you're integrating your conversational UI/UX with a social media platform, consider how users will interact with the design within a social media feed context. Will the design be visually appealing and easy to use within the context of a social media feed?

Best Practices for Development and Deployment

Several best practices must be remembered when developing and deploying conversational UI/UX. These include choosing the right development framework and tools, implementing security and privacy measures, and conducting regular maintenance and updates.

Best Practices for Development and Deployment  of conversational UX

Choosing the right development framework and tools is important when creating a conversational UI/UX. When choosing your development framework and tools, you should consider factors such as the platform you're designing for, your design's complexity, and your design's scalability. This can help ensure your conversational UI/UX is efficient, reliable, and scalable.

Implementing security and privacy measures is also critical when designing a conversational UI/UX. You should ensure that user data is protected and that your design meets industry standards for security and privacy. This may include encryption, implementing secure authentication measures, and adhering to data privacy regulations.

Regular maintenance and updates are also important when designing a conversational UI/UX. This involves monitoring your design's performance, identifying improvement areas, and implementing updates and fixes. Regular maintenance and updates ensure that your conversational UI/UX remains reliable, efficient, and effective over the long term.


Designing a conversational UI/UX can be a complex process. Still, by following best practices and considering the needs and preferences of your users, you can create an engaging, intuitive, and effective design.

As you continue to develop your conversational UI/UX, it's important to remember the best practices we've discussed, such as understanding your user, designing for conversation, testing, and iteration, integrating with other technologies, and following best practices for development and deployment.

As technology evolves and new platforms and technologies emerge, it's important to remain flexible and adaptable in your conversational UI/UX design. By staying up-to-date on industry trends and best practices, you can ensure that your design remains relevant and effective.

Learn more about designing conversational UI/UX, we invite you to explore the resources available at GoCreate USA. Our Bootcamp and blog offer valuable insights and training for UI/UX designers looking to enhance their skills and stay current with industry trends. Join us and take the next step in your career as a UI/UX designer.

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