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Consistent UX Writing Using Voice Principles and a Tone Map

Consistent UX Writing Using Voice Principles and a Tone Map
A clear voice and tone is crucial for UX writers

Writing consistently with a clear voice and tone is crucial for UX writers, as it helps convey the message effectively and efficiently. A consistent voice and tone ensure the user's positive experience and forms a lasting impression of the brand. When users interact, Users should have a consistent experience when interacting with a product, they should have a consistent experience, and the writing should support that experience. The voice and tone should be tailored to the target user, align with the brand's purpose, and be consistent across all writing.

Voice principles and tone maps are two critical concepts in UX writing. Voice principles are the elements that make up a brand's voice and help establish a consistent writing style. The four key elements of voice principles are the point of view, tone, style, and personality. Tone maps, on the other hand, are tools that help UX writers apply their voices consistently and choose the appropriate tone for each writing piece.

Understanding Voice Principles in UX Writing

Voice principles make up a brand's voice and help establish a consistent writing style. These principles help UX writers create a distinct and recognizable voice for their brand. They are the foundation for all UX writing and ensure consistency, clarity, and appeal to the target user.

The four key elements of voice principles are the point of view, tone, style, and personality. These elements work together to create a consistent and distinct voice for a brand.

The four key elements of voice principles - point of view, style, tone and personality
The four key elements of voice principles

  1. The writing presents its perspective through the point of view. For example, a brand's writing can be in first-person, second-person, or third-person point of view.

  2. Tone: refers to the emotional and stylistic aspects of the writing. It conveys the writer's attitude and helps set the mood for the reader. The tone can be serious, friendly, authoritative, or any other tone that aligns with the brand's purpose and target user.

  3. Style: refers to the writer's overall aesthetic and includes grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. The style should be consistent across all writing and align with the brand's voice principles.

  4. Personality: refers to the unique character and traits that make up a brand's writing. It adds a human touch to the writing and helps the reader connect with the brand.

Let's look at how each of the voice principles elements can impact UX writing.

The point of view can impact the reader's experience and perception of the brand. If the writing is from a first-person point of view, it can help build a stronger connection with the reader. If it's from a second-person point of view, it can make the reader feel more directly addressed and engaged. And if it's from a third-person point of view, it can help establish a more authoritative tone.

The tone can impact the reader's experience by setting the mood and conveying the writer's attitude. The tone can help convey a sense of importance or urgency if the tone is serious. If it's friendly, it can help build rapport and make the reader feel more comfortable. If it's humorous, it can lighten the mood and make the reading experience more enjoyable. It's important to choose a tone that aligns with the purpose and goal of your writing and appeals to your target user.

Tone in UX writing; serious tone, friendly tone, humorous tone and important tone
Tone has an impact the reader's experience

Your writing style can impact how easily the reader understands and absorbs the information. A simple, straightforward style can help convey information quickly and clearly, while a more conversational style can help build rapport and make the reading experience more engaging. It's important to choose a style that matches the tone and purpose of your writing and is appropriate for your target user.

The personality of your writing can impact how the reader perceives the brand. If the writing has a playful personality, it can help the brand come across as approachable and fun. If it's more reserved and professional, it can help convey a sense of seriousness and reliability. Choosing a personality that aligns with the brand and appeals to the target user is important.

By understanding these four elements of voice principles, you can make informed decisions about the point of view, tone, style, and personality you use in your UX writing. This can help you create a consistent and effective writing style that engages and informs your target users.

Developing a Tone Map for UX Writing

A tone map is a tool that helps UX writers ensure consistency in their writing by mapping out specific tones for specific situations. It’s a way of pre-planning the tone and mood of your writing so that you can stay consistent with the user experience you’re trying to create.

Steps for Creating a Tone Map for UX Writing

Steps for Creating a Tone Map for UX Writing
Steps for Creating a Tone Map for UX Writing

Determine the Purpose and Goal of Your Writing: The first step in creating a tone map is to determine the purpose and goal of your writing. This includes understanding what you want to communicate to your users and the intended outcome. For example, are you trying to inform users of a new feature, provide instructions, or elicit a specific response? Understanding the goal of your writing will help you choose the appropriate tone.

Identify Your Target User: Once you’ve determined the purpose and goal of your writing, it’s important to identify your target user. This will help you choose the appropriate tone for your writing. For example, if your target user is a technical expert, you may choose a more straightforward, concise tone. However, if your target user is a beginner, you may choose a more conversational, approachable tone.

Choose the Appropriate Tone for Your Writing: Once you’ve identified your target user, you can then choose the appropriate tone for your writing. This can range from professional and formal, to casual and conversational. It’s important to choose a tone that aligns with the purpose and goal of your writing, as well as with the user experience you’re trying to create.

Map Out Specific Words and Phrases to Use for Each Tone: The final step in creating a tone map is to map out specific words and phrases to use for each tone. This can be as simple as creating a list of words and phrases to use in each situation, or as complex as creating a visual representation of the tone map. The key is to have a clear understanding of the tone you want to convey, and to have a plan in place for how you will convey that tone consistently in your writing.

By following these steps to create a tone map, you can ensure that your writing stays consistent and on-brand. This not only helps create a better user experience, but also helps build a stronger brand identity for your company.

Tips for Maintaining Consistency in Voice and Tone in UX Design

A. Plan your content: Creating a plan for your content can help ensure that you're consistently applying voice principles and using a tone map. This can include a content calendar, outlining the purpose and goal of each piece of writing, and mapping out the tone to use.

B. Use a style guide: A style guide can help ensure consistency in your writing by outlining the preferred point of view, tone, style, and personality to use. It can also serve as a reference for other writers and designers.

C. Involve stakeholders: Involving stakeholders, such as UX designers, product managers, and other writers, can help ensure that your writing aligns with the overall brand and effectively informs and engages your target user.

D. Regularly review and update: Regularly reviewing and updating your writing can help ensure that it remains consistent and effective. This can include considering feedback from your target user and making updates as needed.

Best Practices for UX Writing

UX writing is a crucial aspect of user experience design, as it helps users navigate and interact with products. To ensure that your writing is effective, there are several best practices that you can follow.

Write for your target audience: Before you start writing, it's important to understand who your target audience is and what they need from your product. This will help you create writing that is relevant, accessible, and appealing to your target audience.

Keep it simple and concise: Users don't want to spend a lot of time reading long, complex text. Therefore, it's important to write in a clear, concise, and straightforward manner. Use simple language and avoid technical jargon, abbreviations, and unnecessary words.

Use microcopy: Microcopy is small bits of text that are displayed on the user interface, such as button labels, error messages, and notifications. Good microcopy should be clear, concise, and helpful, and it should guide users through their interactions with the product.

Example of a microcopy
Example of a microcopy

Test and iterate: Once you have written your text, it's important to test it with real users to see how well it works. Use user testing and data analytics to see how users are interacting with your writing and make improvements where necessary.

Tips for Creating Clear and Concise UX Writing

Use clear and concise headlines: Headlines are the first thing that users will see, so it's important to make them clear and concise. They should summarize the content of the page and entice users to continue reading.

Use bullet points: Bullet points can help break up long sections of text and make them easier to read. They also make it easier for users to scan the content and find the information they need.

Highlight important information: Highlighting important information, such as key points, benefits, and call-to-actions, will help users understand the main message of the text and what they need to do next.

Use images and illustrations: Images and illustrations can help explain complex concepts and make the text more engaging. However, it's important to use them judiciously and make sure they are relevant to the content.

Examples of UX Writing That Effectively Applies Voice Principles and Tone Map

  • Slack: Slack is a workplace communication tool that has a friendly and approachable tone. Its UX writing uses a conversational style and a second-person point of view, making it easy for users to understand and interact with the product.

  • Dropbox: Dropbox is a cloud-based storage solution that has a professional and authoritative tone. Its UX writing uses a third-person point of view and a concise and straightforward style, making it easy for users to manage their files and folders.

  • Airbnb: Airbnb is a travel platform that has a warm and inviting tone. Its UX writing uses a first-person point of view and a friendly style, making it easy for users to find and book accommodation.

These are just a few examples of how effective UX writing can help improve the user experience. By following the best practices and applying voice principles and tone maps, UX writers can create writing that is clear, concise, and engaging for users.


Writing consistently with a clear voice and tone is an important aspect of UX writing. By understanding voice principles, developing a tone map, and following best practices, you can ensure that your writing stays consistent and aligned with the user experience you’re trying to create. This will help create a better user experience and will also help build a stronger brand identity for your company.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, these techniques can help you elevate your UX writing to the next level. We encourage you to give these techniques a try and see the positive impact they can have on your work. So, take a step forward, apply these concepts in your UX writing, and watch as your writing consistently comes to life with a clear voice and tone.

If you're interested in learning more about voice principles and tone maps, it has been made easy with the GoCreate USA mentorship program which is part of a Bootcamp experience. You also can work as an apprentice with our partners and work on live projects.

Check the Brave Achievers GoCreate website for opportunities for training and mentorship.

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