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Things to Avoid When Writing Effectively for Your UI

Every aspect of your design, as a UI designer, has the potential to impact the user experience. Writing is no exception. Whether you're creating an application or a website, the words you choose to present information to your users can mean the difference between a seamless and enjoyable experience, or one that's confusing and frustrating.

The truth is, writing for UI is different from other types of writing. You need to consider the context in which the user will be reading your words, and what kind of information they need to be able to complete their task. To make sure your users have a positive experience, it's crucial to avoid certain pitfalls when writing for your UI.

Let’s take a deep dive into the things to avoid when writing effectively for your UI. From avoiding jargon and technical terms to overloading the user with information, to overcomplicating navigation and interactions, to inconsistency in design and writing, we'll cover all the key elements that can make or break your UI. By avoiding these common mistakes, you'll be able to create a UI that is easy to use, visually appealing, and provides a positive experience for your users.

Avoiding Jargon and Technical Terms

Jargon and technical terms can be confusing and intimidating for users, especially those who are not familiar with your industry or the specific technology you're using. To ensure that your writing is accessible and understandable, it's important to avoid using jargon and technical terms whenever possible. Remember, your users may not have the same level of technical knowledge as you do, and using complex language can quickly make them feel frustrated or confused.

The key to avoiding this pitfall is to use simple, straightforward language that is easy for everyone to understand. Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

  • Use Simple, Straightforward Language: Avoid using long, complex words and phrases when simple ones will do. Aim for language that is clear and concise, and that your users can understand with ease.

  • Avoid Industry-Specific Terms and Acronyms: Technical terms and acronyms can be confusing to users who are not familiar with your industry. Instead, try to use terms that are widely understood, or explain any technical terms you do use in layman's terms.

  • Explain Technical Concepts in Layman's Terms: If you need to explain a technical concept, make sure you do so in a way that is easy for non-experts to understand. Consider using diagrams, examples, or analogies to help illustrate your point.

Here are a few examples of commonly used jargon and technical terms, and suggestions for how to rephrase them:

  • Jargon: "Leverage" Rephrase: "Use"

  • Jargon: "Optimize" Rephrase: "Improve"

  • Technical Term: "API" Rephrase: "Application Programming Interface"

  • Technical Term: "SSL" Rephrase: "Secure Sockets Layer"

  • Technical Term: "HTTP" Rephrase: "Hypertext Transfer Protocol"

By rephrasing jargon and technical terms, you can make your writing more accessible and understandable for the user. This will help to improve the overall experience with your UI and will encourage the user to continue using it. If you must use technical terms, be sure to explain them in plain language, or provide links to more information for users who would like to learn more.

Avoiding Overloading the User with Information

Another common mistake when writing for your UI is providing too much information all at once. This can be overwhelming for the user and can lead to information overload, making it difficult for them to complete their task effectively.

To avoid this pitfall, it's important to be mindful of the amount of information you're presenting to the user, and to make sure it's presented in a way that is easy to digest. Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

  • Prioritize Information: Consider what information is most important for the user to see, and prioritize it accordingly. This will help to ensure that the user is presented with the information they need in a clear and concise manner.

  • Use Headings and Subheadings: Use headings and subheadings to break up information into manageable chunks. This will make it easier for the user to scan the information quickly and identify the information they're looking for.

  • Use Bullet Points: Consider using bullet points to present information in a concise and easy-to-read format. This will help to make the information more accessible and will reduce the risk of information overload.

  • Be Selective: Be selective with the information you present to the user. If information is not essential, consider omitting it or presenting it in a way that is not distracting.

While some information is inherently complex, it's still possible to present it in a way that is accessible and understandable to the user. For example, when presenting a financial Data, it is often complex and difficult for the average person to understand. Here's an example of how you can effectively present financial data to the user:

  1. Use Graphs and Charts: Use bar graphs, pie charts, and other visuals to help the user understand the data. This will make the information easier to understand and will help the user to retain it.

  2. Use Simple Language: Use simple, straightforward language to explain financial concepts, such as interest rates and loan terms. Avoid using technical terms and jargon whenever possible and strive for clarity and simplicity in your writing.

  3. Provide Clear Definitions: Provide clear definitions for financial terms, such as "APR" and "debt-to-income ratio." This will help the user to understand the data and will make it easier for them to make informed decisions.

  4. Use Interactive Tools: Use interactive tools, such as calculators and sliders, to help the user understand the data. This will allow the user to experiment with different scenarios and to see how changes in the data can affect their finances.

This way you can effectively present complex financial data to the user in a way that is accessible and understandable. This will help the user to make informed decisions about their finances and will improve their overall experience with your UI.

So, by effectively presenting complex information, you'll be able to create a UI that is accessible and usable for all users, regardless of their level of technical expertise. This will help to improve the overall experience with your UI, and will encourage the user to continue using it.

Avoiding Overcomplicating Navigation and Interactions

Navigation and interactions are crucial elements of your UI design, and it's important to get them right. Overcomplicating these elements can lead to confusion and frustration for the user, making it difficult for them to complete their task effectively.

To avoid this pitfall, it's important to keep navigation and interactions simple and intuitive. Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

Keep Navigation Simple: Navigation should be simple and straightforward, with clear labels that describe the content the user will find in each section. Avoid using complex navigation structures or hidden navigation elements, as these can make it difficult for the user to find what they're looking for.

An example of the navigation bar
Keep navigation simple and straightforward

  • Use Familiar Interactions: Where possible, use familiar interactions and design patterns. For example, using a hamburger menu for navigation is a common design pattern that most users will be familiar with. Using familiar interactions will make it easier for the user to understand how to use your UI.

  • Provide Feedback: Provide clear feedback for all interactions, such as highlighting selected items or indicating when an action has been completed. This will help to make your UI more intuitive and will give the user a clear understanding of what's happening.

  • Test Interactions: Make sure to test your interactions thoroughly to ensure that they work as expected. This will help you to identify any issues or areas for improvement, and will give you the opportunity to make changes before your UI is released to the public.

Avoiding Inconsistency in Design and Writing

Inconsistency in design and writing can be confusing and distracting for the user, and it can negatively impact their experience with your UI. This can include things like inconsistent use of fonts, color, and spacing, as well as inconsistencies in the language and tone used in the text.

To avoid this pitfall, it's important to maintain consistency in your design and writing. Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

  • Establish Design Guidelines: Establish design guidelines that set out the rules for how things like color, typography, and spacing should be used in your UI. This will help to ensure that your UI has a consistent look and feel.

  • Use a Consistent Tone and Voice: Use a consistent tone and voice in your writing, and make sure that all text in your UI is written in the same style. This will help to build a cohesive brand voice and will make it easier for the user to understand the information you're presenting.

  • Use a Style Guide: Consider using a style guide to help you maintain consistency in your writing. A style guide will set out the rules for things like capitalization, punctuation, and grammar, and will help you to ensure that all text in your UI is written in the same way.

  • Conduct Regular Reviews: Conduct regular reviews of your UI to identify any inconsistencies in design and writing. This will give you the opportunity to make changes and will help you to maintain consistency over time.

Here's an example of how consistency in design can improve the user experience:

How consistency in design can improve the user experience
How consistency in design can improve the user experience

Let's say you have a navigation bar at the top of your website that contains links to different pages. If the navigation bar is consistent across all pages, the user will know exactly where to find the links they are looking for. They won't have to spend time searching for the navigation bar or trying to figure out where the links are located.

Here's an example of how consistency in writing style can improve the user experience:

a display of writing style can improve the user experience
How consistency in writing style can improve the user experience

Let's say you have a series of articles that provide information about a particular topic. If the writing style is consistent across all articles, the user will know exactly what to expect when reading each article. They won't have to spend time adjusting to a different writing style or trying to figure out what the information is saying.

In both of these examples, consistency can improve the overall user experience by reducing confusion and frustration, making the user feel more comfortable and confident, and improving their ability to engage with the information. When the design and writing are consistent, the user can focus on the information and can easily find what they are looking for, which will lead to a more positive overall experience.


Writing effectively for your UI is crucial for creating a positive user experience. By avoiding jargon and technical terms, overloading the user with information, overcomplicating navigation and interactions, and inconsistency in design and writing, you can create a UI that is easy to use, intuitive, and enjoyable for the user.

Writing for your UI requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. It's important to keep the user's needs and goals in mind, and to strive for clarity and simplicity in your design and writing. With these tips, you can create a UI that is effective and engaging, and that will help you to build a strong reputation for your brand.

If you are interested in learning more about UI/UX design as a career path, it has been made easy with the GoCreate USA mentorship program which is part of a Bootcamp experience. You also have the opportunity to work as an apprentice with our partners and work on live projects.

Check the Brave Achievers GoCreate website for opportunities for training and mentorship.

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