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GoCreate USA – Prove your self-doubt wrong

What happens if you try anyways?

Nothing sounds motivating enough to the unmotivated mind but believing in yourself is where it all starts.

It all starts with you. You alone have the power to take the steps that would eventually lead to your ultimate liberation. This does not in any way downplay the place of society's limitations and bias. It, however, stresses the need for you to be proactive in your journey of self-discovery and self-actualization.

Life is hard. Perhaps harder if you are from a minority group or a person of color. The stats are appalling enough. Black households take home less income - about $44,000, and are less likely to own their homes. They earn less, about 30% less when compared to the majority group. A 2020 survey revealed that unemployment rate is 50% higher for Black people even in a seeming strong economy.

The numbers are not on your side. It is okay if you quit. It's okay to lay on your back, stay at home, whine about the rigged system, and just give up. Do you know what else is okay? Getting up and trying. What do you have to lose? Can you fall further when your backs are already against the wall? At every tough point in life, there is a positive aspect, and now, that ray of hope is GoCreate USA.

A fully funded virtual product design bootcamp aimed at helping talented people learn in-demand skills in tech. It offers mentorship and post-graduation apprenticeship for high-flying students. GoCreate USA is an initiative of Brave Achievers sustained by Design and Tech leaders to raise a generation of talented Experience Designers. Designers who would shape and influence the experience of tomorrow.

As a design enthusiast, you do not have to pick all the puzzles around the internet just to get headway about UX design or project management. You do not have to spend one, two years, or forever trying to break into the design space. Someone who knows the way should be able to help you thread that path of design and tech because they see the future in you and want you to succeed.

You should be able to ride the wings of giants - experts who are willing to show you how they did it, hold your hands, and help you launch safely into your career.

This is what GoCreate USA wants to achieve. All learning slots are already paid for, but are you motivated enough to try it?

If you do not believe in yourself, then nothing would really matter, the GoCreate product design bootcamp won’t be for you. Take that leap anyways, how bad can it get?

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